Literární koutek: Aspekty Mýtu Cthulhu

Učenci si už skoro jedno století lámou hlavu s tím, co by vlastně měl po literární stránce obsahovat Mýtus Cthulhu. Jsou to jen chapadla a sliz, nebo v tom vězí i něco jiného? My se na toto téma také podíváme, rozebereme si hlavní aspekty Lovecraftovy tvorby a tak trochu si zarebelujeme proti ostatním a rozsekneme to.

Desítky, možná stovky autorů o svých povídkách píší jako o Cthulhu Mythos (Mýtus Cthulhu) děje se to už od Lovecraftova kruhu, kdy se přátelé Lovecrafta nechali strhnout k rozšiřování jeho osobní mytologie. Byla to hra, která postupně přerostla v úžasný, živý mýtus, který známe dnes.

Odborníci na Lovecrafta a Mýtus Cthulhu se stále nemohou dohodnout, kde je ta dělicí čára, co do Mýtu Cthulhu spadá a co už je naprosto mimo. Na toto téma vzniklo přehršle esejů i knih; Jmenovitě stojí za zmínku Lin Carter – Lovecraft: A Look Behind The Cthulhu Mythos, S.T. Joshi – Rise and Fall of the Cthulhu Mythos. Celá ta mánie za kánonickým Lovecraftem přechází až v sebeparodii, když se na každý facebookový post na lovecraftovsky laděných stránkách postující táže: Je tohle lovecraftovské? Chvíli nechme tuto otázku otevřenou a pozastavme se u samotného HPL.

Lovecraftův kosmický horor

HPL měl velmi osobitý styl, jeho povídky jsou starobně působící horory, které se inspirují u Edgara Allana Poea, Robert W. Chambers, Dunsanyho nebo Hodgsona. Hlavní hrdina, nebo hrdinové jsou od prvního okamžiku odsouzeni trpět. Lovecraft však neřeší příliš psychologii, vztahy ani sžití s postavami.

Povídky připomínají porno, osoby zde slouží jen k ukojení hororových potřeb, jsou to prodloužené smysly čtenáře, ten je konfrontován se vším, co mu mistr předloží. Autor sám si však udržuje jistý odstup od celého dění. Lovecraftův styl je unikátní, může za to samotná osoba HPL. Byl rozerván psychickými potížemi už od svého mládí. V jeho mysli vždy zuřil souboj mezi genialitou a jistým šílenstvím, kterého se celý život děsil (jak by ne, když jeho rodina končila v blázinci).

V povídkách lze vysledovat veškerá jeho osobní stanoviska: Politické smýšlení, rozličné fobie, nenávist vůči jistým rasám je patrná v narážkách na křížení odlišných bytostí nebo dokonce incest. Velký důraz je i kladen na insignifikantnost lidského druhu, jež je jen jednou z epoch země, nikterak významnou (kosmicismus). Vše zabalené do archaického stylu (zastaralého i na první polovinu 20. století), který kupí adjektiva vedle sebe s lehkostí a samozřejmostí, která až vyráží dech a dělá z určitých pasáží Lovecraftova „brakového“ hororu doslova bránu do jinam.

Tvorbu HPL neovlivňovala pouze minulost, ale i jeho literární přátelé. Byli pro jeho příběhy stejnou inspirací jako on pro jejich. Několikanásobná vražda Lovecrafta v povídkách Roberta Blocha i Franka Belknapa Longa jsou pověstné, stejně tak odplata Lovecrafta Blochovi. Lovecraft s chutí začleňoval ideje svých přátel a nedá se tedy říct, že by byl Lovecraftův vliv jednosměrný.

Všechno tohle zkombinované nám dává kosmický horor, nebo lovecraftovský horor. Přísně oddělený literární žánr, který kombinuje horor/ fantasy a SCI-FI.

Dle mého soudu nejde udělat rovnítko mezi kosmický/ lovecraftovský horor a Mýtus Cthulhu. V důsledku by to znamenalo, že jediný kosmický/ lovecraftovský horor a tedy i Mýtus Cthulhu, je obsažený v dílech H.P. Lovecrafta. Což by určitě zamrzelo spoustu autorů rozšiřujících odkaz.

Emulovat Lovecrafta byla a je literární sebevražda. Lovecraft nikdy nebyl uznávaný jako skvělý spisovatel, jeho styl byl předmětem kritiky. I jeho největší obdivovatelé se pod vlivem prořeknou, že psal v podstatě otřesně.

Moderní horor je lovecraftovskému stylu na míle vzdálený. Dnes je příklon právě k tomu, co Lovecraft ve své tvorbě zcela ignoruje: sžití s postavou, propracovanost charakterů, rozvětvený příběh, psychologie postav, dialog. Kdyby někdo dnes chtěl emulovat Lovecrafta, bylo by to skoro takové, jako by chtěl prorazit se stylem sumerských tabulek.

Opustil svou stáj – jeho ohrada je prázdná,

divoký býk opustil svou stáj – jeho ohrada je prázdná,

pán všech zemí opustil svůj dům – jeho ohrada je prázdná,

Enlil svatyni v Nippuru opustil – jeho ohrada je prázdná.

Jeho paní Ninlil opustila svůj dům – její ohrada je prázdná.

Ninlil tam opustila svůj chrám Kiur – její ohrada je prázdná.

Paní z Keše opustila svůj dům – její ohrada je prázdná.

Ninmach svůj chrám v Keši opustila – její ohrada je prázdná.

Paní z Isinu opustila svůj dům – její ohrada je prázdná.

Ninisinna svatyni Egalmach opustila – její ohrada je prázdná.


V přítomnosti by vás takové vyprávění těžko zvedlo ze židle, dřív to znamenalo extrémně dramatický okamžik, často umocněný několikerým opakováním téhož. S Lovecraftem je to podobné. Žánr hororu se vyvinul úplně jiným směrem.

Mýtus Cthulhu

Jeden z nejlepších moderních autorů hororu Brit Ramsey Campbell si prošel lovecraftovským obdobím. Jeho nejstarší povídky jsou plné Arkhamu, kosmického zla i jiných, pro Lovecrafta tak typických propriet. Jednoho dne si ho August Derleth odvedl trochu stranou a dal mu radu na zlato: „vole, seš Brit, piš o Anglii, ne o nějakym posranym Arkhamu“ (dramatizace). Ramsey Derletha poslechl, své povídky přepracoval, vymazal z nich zbytečné narážky na Lovecraftovi invence, vymyslel vlastní město Goatswood a okolí a vydal se svou cestou. Poté napsal řadu perfektních, Mythosáckých příběhů, které směle konkurují samotnému Lovecraftovi, ale jsou jiné, jsou Campbellovské.

Když jsem začal psát do šuplíku své povídky, měl jsem to stejně jako Ramsey, také jsem vršil jedno jméno za druhým a říkal si „panečku, to je ale nářez, mám tam všechny a jsem teprve na první stránce!“ jenže to je cesta do záhuby.

Úplně opačným směrem se vydal Lin Carter. Neuvěřitelně plodný autor, který z celé duše miloval Lovecraftovu tvorbu a mýtus, který stvořil. Byl jím doslova posedlý, podobně jako Derleth i on dopisoval povídky po Lovecraftovi a jeho přátelích, snažil se rozšiřovat Cthulhu Mythos a přiblížit se literárním slohem i myšlenkou svému idolu. Povídky byly lovecraftovské, tedy, aspoň se o to snažily. Lin napsal i mnoho fiktivních mythosáckých dokumentů mezi nimi nechyběl Necronomicon. Problém byl, že Lin zapomněl, že povídky Lovecrafta nejsou jen přehlídkou Mythosáckých faktů (v Linově podání řetězení Mythosáckých jmen a bizarních adjektiv), jsou o budování hutné atmosféry.

Lovecraft nikdy neexponoval Mythos víc, než bylo potřeba, právě nejednoznačnost, mystérium, bylo tím, co v povídkách vytvářelo takový náboj. U Lovecrafta jen v minimu příběhů dochází k nějaké pointě, katarzi, (Dunwich horror, Outsider jsou jedny z mála), U Lovecrafta to je celková atmosféra, která čtenáře táhne, nikoliv „šokující“ odhalení na konci, tolik důležité pro moderní filmový/ literární horor (často vede k WTF momentům, které rádoby šokující pointou zmrví celou logickou konstrukci díla – pokud se o to vůbec snaží).

Teď se podívejme na dva protipóly Ramsey Campbella: Lovecraftovu mytologii využívá spíš jemně a v náznacích a na druhé straně Lin Cartera, jež odkrývá Mythos rychlostí rotačního kulometu. Je velká pravděpodobnost, že S.T. Joshi by vám řekl, že ani jeden z nich ve skutečnosti povídky Mýtu Cthulhu nepíše, nejsou zde všechny propriety, které Lovecraft využíval, paradoxně, ani u Lin Cartera, který se o to snažil celý život. Dobrá, možná to nejsou povídky kosmického hororu, ale rozhodně jsou to povídky Mýtu Cthulhu. Vždyť všechno, kde se objevuje Mýtus Cthulhu, jeho pojmy, náznaky jím načrtnuté mytologie, lze chápat jako Mýtus Cthulhu a nezáleží, zda jde o horor, SCI-FI, fantasy, frašku nebo porno.

Aby nedošlo k nedorozumění, nemyslím tím, že povídka, aby byla Mythosácká musí v sobě mít Mythosácká jména. Je povídka Who Goes There? (původní Věc) Mythosácká nebo ne? Já bych řekl, že určitě. Přitom se zde nezmíní ani jedno spjaté jméno. Aby byla povídka Mythosácká, nemusí ani jednou zaznít Cthulhu nebo Necronomicon, stačí feeling, náznaky, které často odkryjí pouze znalci, co mají načteno.

Existuje mnoho povídek, co lze směle zařadit do Mýtu Cthulhu, ale oficiálně sem nepatří. Taková díla najdeme hlavně mezi Lovecraftovými přáteli, kteří byli obzvlášť v mládí tak ovlivněni, že lze Mythosem nazvat skoro vše co napsali, ale i stálice moderního hororu jako je Brian Lumley, Clive Barker nebo Stephen King.

Mýtus Cthulhu se postupně transformuje z lovecraftovského hororu do svěžího moderního hávu, který je pro dnešního čtenáře stravitelnější. Budu upřímný, četl jsem dost povídek z Lovecraftova kruhu i post lovecraftovských a většina za moc nestojí. Stačí si přečíst Cthulhu 2000, které vyšlo i v češtině a dobrých povídek zde napočítáte na prstech jedné ruky a to ještě ožrané shoggotem. Jako vždy platí, že pisatel musí mít talent. A mnozí, řekl bych, se dali na psaní Cthulhu Mythos jen proto, aby byli v nějaké paperbackové sbírce, kterých na toto téma vzniká stále dost.

Povídky, které má podle mě cenu číst jsou ty Lovecraftových současníků. Ne, nejde o literární veledíla (i když sofistikovanosti a brilantnosti slohu 50 odstínů šedi nedosahuje jedno), ale o příjemné povídky, které stály u formování lovecraftovského a post-lovecraftovského Cthulhu Mytohsu. Tahle garda pána z Providence moc dobře znala a je to znát. Má v sobě to kouzlo, které mnoho moderních povídek postrádá. O Lovecraftově kruhu a moderních autorech, co stojí za hřích, si povíme někdy jindy.

Souhlasíte s tím, že Mýtus Cthulhu nelze klasifikovat pouze podle Lovecrafta, myslíte, že moderní pojetí Mýtu Cthulhu je ku prospěchu, nebo máte jiný názor? Klidně napište do diskuze a třeba se podělte o své oblíbené autory a povídky.

A jen pro představu, tohle je seznam uznaných Cthulhu Mythos povídek do roku 2000, pokud víte o nějaké další v češtině, napište mi do komentu a já to doplním:

1920The Doom That Came to Sarnath, H.P. Lovecrafta
1921The Nameless City, H.P. Lovecrafta
1924The Hound, H.P. Lovecrafta
1925The Festival, H.P. Lovecrafta
1928The Call of Cthulhu, H.P. Lovecrafta
The Space Eaters, Frank Belknap Long Jr.a
1929The Hounds of Tindalos, Frank Belknap Long Jr.
The Dunwich Horror, H.P. Lovecrafta
The Shadow Kingdom, Robert E. Howarda
The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune, Robert E. Howarda
1931The Horror from the Hills, Frank Belknap Long Jr. (part 1)
The Horror from the Hills, Frank Belknap Long Jr. (part 2)
The Children of the Night, Robert E. Howarda
The Whisperer in Darkness, H.P. Lovecrafta
The Return of the Sorcerer, Clark Ashton Smith
The Tale of Satampra Zeiros, Clark Ashton Smith
The Black Stone, Robert E. Howarda
1932The Door to Saturn, Clark Ashton Smith
The Thing on the Roof, Robert E. Howarda
The Tree-Men of M’Bwa, Donald Wandrei
The Nameless Offspring, Clark Ashton Smith
The Lair of the Star-Spawn, August Derleth and Mark Schorer
The Hunters from Beyond, Clark Ashton Smith
The Man of Stone, Hazel Heald
Worms of the Earth, Robert E. Howarda
1933The Thing That Walked on the Wind, August W. Derleth
The Fire Vampires, Donald Wandrei
The Horror in the Museum, Hazel Heald
The Dreams in the Witch-House, H.P. Lovecrafta
Ubbo-Sathla, Clark Ashton Smith
The Holiness of Azedarac, Clark Ashton Smith
The Lady in Gray, Donald Wandrei
1934Through the Gates of the Silver Key, H.P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price
The Isle of Dark Magic, Hugh B. Cave
The Seven Geases, Clark Ashton Smith
1935The Black Lotus, Robert Bloch
The Sealed Casket, Richard F. Searight
Out of the Eons, Hazel Heald
The Secret of the Tomb, Robert Bloch
The Suicide in the Study, Robert Bloch
Vulthoom, Clark Ashton Smith
The Shambler from the Stars, Robert Bloch
1936The Night Ocean, H.P. Lovecraft and Robert H. Barlow
At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft (part 1; abridged)a
At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft (part 2; abridged)a
The Shadow Over Innsmouth, H.P. Lovecrafta
At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft (part 3; abridged)a
The Faceless God, Robert Bloch
The Shadow Out of Time, H.P. Lovecraft (abridged)a
The Grinning Ghoul, Robert Bloch
A Dim-Remembered Story, Robert H. Barlow
The Forbidden Room, Duane W. Rimel
The Opener of the Way, Robert Bloch
The Secret of Kralitz, Henry Kuttner
The Dark Demon, Robert Bloch
The Fire of Asshurbanipal, Robert E. Howard
The Haunter of the Dark, H.P. Lovecraft
1937The Thing on the Doorstep, H.P. Lovecraft
The Eater of Souls, Henry Kuttner
Dig Me No Grave, Robert E. Howarda
Brood of Bubastis, Robert Bloch
The Guardians of the Book, Henry Hasse
The Mannikin, Robert Bloch
The Salem Horror, Henry Kuttner
The Black Kiss, Robert Bloch and Henry Kuttner
The Creeper in the Crypt, Robert Bloch
The Terrible Parchment, Manly Wade Wellman
The Secret of Sebek, Robert Bloch
Fane of the Black Pharaoh, Robert Bloch
1938The Diary of Alonzo Typer, William Lumley
The Eyes of the Mummy, Robert Bloch
The Spawn of Dagon, Henry Kuttnera
1939Medusa’s Coil, Zealia B. Bishop
The Invaders, Keith Hammond
The Return of Hastur, August W. Derleth
Bells of Horror, Keith Hammond
Hydra, Henry Kuttner
The Hunt, Henry Kuttner
The Death Watch, Hugh B. Cave
Spawn of the Maelstrom, August W. Derleth and Mark Schorer
The Shadow Out of Time, H.P. Lovecrafta
At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecrafta
Passing of Eric Holm, Will Garth
1940The Tree on the Hill, Duane W. Rimel
The Evil Ones, August W. Derleth and Mark Schorer
The Sandwin Compact, August W. Derleth
The Mound, Zealia B. Bishop (abridged)
1941Out of the Jar, Charles R. Tanner
The Abyss, Robert W. Lowndes
Ithaqua, August W. Derleth
Dr. Xander’s Cottage, Martin D. Brown
Through the Alien Angle, Elwin G. Powers
The Coming of the White Worm, Clark Ashton Smith
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, H.P. Lovecraft (part 1; abridged)a
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, H.P. Lovecraft (part 2; abridged)a
Beyond the Threshold, August W. Derleth
The Mantle of Graag, Paul Dennis Lavond
1942The Long Wall, Wilfred Owen Morley
Black Bargain, Robert Bloch
The Leapers, Carol Grey
1943The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, H.P. Lovecrafta
The Mound, Zealia Brown-Reed Bishop
Music of the Stars, Duane W. Rimel
Legacy in Crystal, James Causey
Horror at Vecra, Henry Hasse
1944The Trail of Cthulhu, August Derleth
The Dweller in Darkness, August Derleth
1945The Lurker at the Threshold, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Watcher from the Sky, August Derleth
1946Bothon, Henry S. Whitehead
Spawn of the Green Abyss, C. Hall Thompson
1947Black Lotus, Robert Bloch (revised version)
The Will of Claude Ashur, C. Hall Thompson
The Occupant of the Crypt, August Derleth and Mark Schorer
1948Something in Wood, August Derleth
The Whippoorwills in the Hills, August Derleth
1949The Testament of Claiborne Boyd, August Derleth
The Unspeakable Betrothal, Robert Bloch
1950The Shadow from the Steeple, Robert Bloch
Why Abdul Alhazred Went Mad, D.R. Smith
1951Something from Out There, August Derleth
Blinded They Fly, Vol Molesworth
The Black Kiss, Robert Bloch
Notebook Found in a Deserted House, Robert Bloch
The Keeper of the Key, August Derleth
The Night They Crashed the Party, Robert Bloch
1952The Black Island, August Derleth
1953The House in the Valley, August Derleth
1954The Survivor, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
1957The Peabody Heritage, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derletha
The Gable Window, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Shadow Out of Space, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Lamp of Alhazred, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derletha
Seal of the Damned, August Derleth
The Sorcerer’s Cave, Trebor Thorpe
Them Ones, Robert Bloch
1958Terror in Cut-Throat Cove, Robert Bloch
The Kraken, Leo Brett
1959The Shuttered Room, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Fisherman of Falcon Point, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
Demons of Cthulhu, Charles D. Hammer
1960Conspiracy Out of Dorwich, Howard St. John
1961They Flew By Night, Leo Brett
Mythos, Max Chartair
1962The Church in High Street, J. Ramsey Campbell
Witches’ Hollow, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Trail of Cthulhu, August Derleth
The Fantastic Fingers of Felix Faust, Gardner F. Fox (comic)
One Hour to Doomsday, Gardner F. Fox (comic)
1963The Tower from Yuggoth, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Seventh Incantation, Joseph Payne Brennan
Solitude, Michael Hamilton
The Space-Eaters, Frank Belknap Long (revised version)
1964The Room in the Castle, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Horror from the Bridge, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Insects from Shaggai, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Render of the Veils, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Inhabitant of the Lake, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Plain of Sound, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Return of the Witch, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Moon-Lens, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Shadow in the Attic, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
Casting the Stone, John Pocsik
The Stone on the Island, J. Ramsey Campbell
1965A Madness from the Vaults, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Face in the Desert, J. Ramsey Campbell
1966The Dark Brotherhood, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
To Arkham and the Stars, Fritz Leiber
The Beast from Baalazz, Lyle Gaulding
1967The Horror from the Middle Span, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
The Mind Parasites, Colin Wilson
That Deep Black Yonder, A.J. Merak
The Keeper of Dark Point, Michael Hamilton
The Black Bishop, Ronald J. Willis
The Bookseller’s Tale, Walter J. Wentz
The Thing in the Mist, Max Chartair
The Black Mirror, Randall Conway
The Haunting of Charles Quintain, Michael Hamilton
1968Dagon, Fred Chappell
The Gate of Diminishingness, Andrew E. Rothovius
A Statue of Unknown Origin, Robert Weinberg
The Cypress Shell, Brian Lumley
The Castle in the Window, Steffan B. Aletti
Leapers, Robert A.W. Lowndes (1st revised version)
Settler’s Wall, Robert A.W. Lowndes (1st revised version)
Cthark, Gordon Linzner
1969The Haunter of the Graveyard, J. Vernon Shea
Cold Print, J. Ramsey Campbell
The Sister City, Brian Lumley
Cement Surroundings, Brian Lumley
The Deep Ones, James Wade
The Return of the Lloigor, Colin Wilson
The Philosopher’s Stone, Colin Wilson
A Darker Shadow Over Innsmouth, James Wade
The Flying Horned One, Robert Weinberg
1970Billy’s Oak, Brian Lumley
The Trail of the Necronomicon, Gordon Matthews
Usurp the Night, Robert E. Howard
Mushroom, John Jacob
A Thing of Bones, Robert Weinberg
The Well, Ray Jones
The House of the Worm, Gary Myers
An Item of Supporting Evidence, Brian Lumley
The Ring of the Demon God, Robert Weinberg
It Sleeps Beneath the Sand, Robert Weinberg
The Dead Land, Robert Weinberg
1971Yohk the Necromancer, Gary Myers
The Caller of the Black, Brian Lumley
The Mirror of Nitocris, Brian Lumley
The Night Sea-Maid Went Down, Brian Lumley
The Thing from the Blasted Heath, Brian Lumley
Dylath-Lean, Brian Lumley
De Marigny’s Clock, Brian Lumley
In the Vaults Beneath, Brian Lumley
The Dweller in the Tomb, Lin Carter
Shaggai, Lin Carter
The House in the Oaks, Robert E. Howard and August Derleth
Innsmouth Clay, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
Rising With Surtsey, Brian Lumley
The Deep-Sea Conch, Brian Lumley
The Rings of the Papaloi, Donald J. Walsh Jr.
Conan the Buccaneer, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter
From the Depths, Meade Frierson III
The Trapdoor, Meade Frierson III
Wilfred Kreel, Seeker of the Strange, Spain (comic)
The Dark Stairway, E.P. Berglund and R.E. Weinberg
The House of Keziah Mason, Julien C. Raasveld
Passing of a Dreamer, Gary Myers
The Vespers Service, William R. Bauer
The Clock, John Jacob
The Globe, Ray Jones
Perhaps the Elder Gods, James H. Lawson IV
The Thing from the Sea, Robert Weinberg
The Doom of Yakthoob, from The Necronomicon, Lin Carter
Notes Concerning a Green Box, Alan Dean Foster
The Last Necronomicon, Larry Niven
“And When Blood Touches Blood …”, John Jacob
Professor Peabody’s Last Lecture, Jack Laird (television)
1972Akumaden, Ken Asamatsu
Hokaisek no Ketsumyakei, Katsuhiro Matsui
Those That Wait, James Wade
The Worms, Ray Jones
Reunion, Margaret L. Carter
The White Young Girl Who Lived in the Attic, Bruce Hallenbeck Jr.
Fungi, Al Attanasio
Homecoming, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
The Burrowers Beneath, Brian Lumley (Chapter 1)
The Return of Zhosph, Gary Myers
The Drawings on the Desktops, John Sellers
Planetfall on Yuggoth, James Wade
Predator, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
Those Beneath the Waves, Herb Arnold
The Elder Sign, Al Attanasio
Totem, John Jacob
Down to the Sea, Bill Wallace
The Rynlaerth Megaliths, John Jacob
The Outpost, John J. Koblas
From the Sea, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
Secret of the Psychic Siren, Mike Friedrich (comic)
Wei-Thogga, Mike Ambrose
Death-Point, Mike Friedrich (comic)
Derrick’s Ritual, Alan D. Gullette
The Pirrak, Billy Keel
The Seashell, Bill Pugmire
The Quest of the Necronomicon, J.J. Koblas
The Summons of Hastur, Alan D. Gullette
The Lure of Leng, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
The Events at Poroth Farm, T.E.D. Klein
1973Dark Woodsman, B. George Hallenbeck
The Minneiska Incident, Phillip J. and G. Arthur Rahman
Where Are the Inhabitants of Earth?, Alan Hewetson (comic)
Ghouls, Robert Weinberg
Kiss an Angel Good Morning, Robert Borski
The Left-Behind, John Jacob
What Lurks Among the Dunes, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
The Terror Out of Time, Alan D. Gullette (round robin; Part 1)
Haggopian, Brian Lumleya
The Friar’s Tale, Geoffrey Chaucer
The Dark Bride, F.C. Adams
Huitloxopetl, Meade Frierson III (round robin; parts 1-2)
The Road to Dunwich, Ben Indick
The House of Cthulhu, Brian Lumley
Deep Calls to Deep, William Scott Home
This Archaic Breeding Ground, Alan Hewetson (comic)
Within the Machinery of Light, Alan D. Gullette
Azathoth, David E. Schultz (unsigned)
Innsmouth Festival, John Jacobson (comic)
The Utmost Abomination, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
The Strange Green Bat of the Woods, George Hallenbeck
Ngyr-Khorath, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
This Grotesque Green Earth, Alan Hewetson (comic)
End of the Quest, Gordon Linzner
The Double Tower, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
Passing Through, Robert Weinberg
1974The Watchers Out of Time, H.P. Lovecraft and August Derleth (chapters 1-4)
Beneath the Moors, Brian Lumley
The Horror Under Penmire, Adrian Cole
The Temple of Abomination, Robert E. Howard and Richard L. Tierney
Gekkoban, Takao Karita
The Chaos Spawn, F.C. Adams
Night of the Stalking Death, Llewellyn M. Cabos
Spawn of the Dread Thing, Tom Sutton (comic)
The Mask of Zeng, F.C. Adams
Frosted Glass, Ted Pons
The Lurker in Tunnel 13!, Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson (comic)
The Burrowers Beneath, Brian Lumley
The Palace of Lions, Eldon K. Everett
The Dead City, Eldon K. Everett
Sticks, Karl Edward Wagner
Brother in Damnation, William Scott Home
The Black Book, Eldon K. Everett
Devil’s Hill, Eldon K. Everett
After Life … Death?, Arthur Metzger and Rita Borgman
The Dark, David C. Smith
The Crier in the Vault, Ted Pons
From Beyond the Dark Gateway, Warren Scott Miller
The History of the Great Race, Drs. Eric von Konnenberg and Pierre de Hammais
Translations from The Book of Yng, F.C. Adams
Perilous Legacy, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
Daughter of Dagon, Eldon K. Everett
The Collector’s Note, George S. Howard
The Evil One, Doug Nathman
Huitloxopetl, Joe Moudry (round robin; part 3)
The Moon-God Awakens, Crispin Burnham
Demon in the Flesh, Crispin Burnham
The Terrible Mind Excursion Machine, Chuck Harmon
The Vault, Alan Hewetson and Howie Anderson (comic)
The City of Pillars, Lin Carter
The Terror Out of Time, Walter C. DeBill Jr. (round robin; part 2)
The Scream and the Nightmare, Alan Hewetson (comic)
The Tatoo, Chuck Harmon
The Listener in the Basement, Fred C. Adams
The Quaking Horror, Gardner F. Fox (comic)
Tiara of Dagon, John Jacobson (comic)
A Bird in the Hand Is …, Cornelius Eagle
The Fetch, N.M. Flashman
Casket of the Sea Queen, Richard Landwehr
The Release of Sclotha, Richard Blackmon
Born of Woman, David J. Brown
He Who Creeps, F.C. Adams
Lure to Darkness, Arthur Aspromatis
The Shunned Ship, Gerard E. Giannattasio
The Lurkers Beneath, Llewellyn M. Cabos
The Thing in the Library, Crispin Burnham and E.P. Berglund
Lineage of the Empty Dead, William Scott Home
The Black Tower of Leng, Randy Medoff
Things in the Sea, Crispin Burnham
The Mi-Go, Eldon K. Everett
The Monster on the Moors, Eldon K. Everett
The Sign of Kutullu, D.C. Smith
Huitloxopetl, E.P. Berglund (round robin; part 4)
Out of the Nameless City, John Jacobson (comic)
Inathotep’s Tale, Fred C. Adams
1975The Manitou, Graham Masterton
1975The House of the Worm, Gary Myers
1975Glimpses, A.A. Attanasi
The Gods of Earth, Gary Myers
What Dark God?, Brian Lumley
Forringer’s Fortune, Joseph Payne Brennan
In ‘Ygiroth, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
Out of the Ages, Lin Carter
In the Vale of Pnath, Lin Carter
1975Aunt Hester, Brian Lumley
1975The Great White Space, Basil Copper
1975The Devil Ground, Ted Pons
1975The Winds of Zarr, Richard L. Tierney
1975The Sealed Casket, Richard F. Searight
1975A Gentleman of Providence Pens a Letter, Ben Indick
1975The Shadow That Lurked in Twilight, John Alan Little
1975The Terror Out of Time, Ted Pons (round robin; part 3)
1975Through a Glass Darkly, Tom F. Sutton (comic)
1975That Which Lies Below, Jerry Baker
The Mark of Kthagqua, Randy Medoff
The Destruction of Karoth, Jerry Baker
1975Mystery Hill, Robert C. Sudol
The Mask of Hali, Eldon K. Everett
The Soul-Sucker, Eldon K. Everett
Curse of Cthulhu, Crispin Burnham (round robin; part 1)
The Papyrus of Nephren-Ka, Robert C. Culp
1975The Last God, Jerry Baker
1975Slay It Again, Pam, Greg Nicoll
Innsmouth, Massachusetts — Population: Not of This Earth, Greg Nicoll
1975The Advent of Hitimukoloan, Frank Vizard
1975At Journey’s End, Richard Smoot
1975Menacers on the Moon, Daniel Bailey
The Sehkmet Horror, Jerry Baker
1975The Transition of Titus Crow, Brian Lumley
1975The Bell of Pau Ku, Robert C. Culp
Randolph Carter’s Portrait, Ross F. Bagby
The Statement of Richard Landreth, Crispin Burnham
1975The Ensorceled, Henry Hasse
1975Spawn of the Y’lagh, Randall Larson
1975Innsmouth Love, Loay Hall and Terry Dale
The Dome in the Garden, Loay Hall and Terry Dale
The Intruder, Dale Nelson
1975The Nameless Isle, Llewellyn M. Cabos
1975The Eye of Atcha-Talan, Lew Cabos
1975Al Azif Epilogue, Robert C. Culp
Huitloxopetl, Crispin Burnham (round robin; parts 5-8)
Case, Wally Stoelting
1975They Only Come Out At Night, Randy Medoff
The Inherited Search, Rod Snyder
The Seven Towers, Jerry Baker
1975The Scroll of Morloc, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
1975The Kukulkaton, Tom Sutton (comic)
1975Images in Stone, Crispin Burnham
Beneath the Sleeping City, Llewellyn M. Cabos
The Second Time in Twenty Years, Ross Marchmont
Descent Into Madness, John J. Koblas
Mad Eyes in Darkness, C.H. Mallory
The Innsmouth Head, Franklyn Searight
Wings in the Night, E.P. Berglund
Demon-Day, Ted Pons
The Still Ones, F.C. Adams
The Promise of the Black Goat, Edward M. Kane
1975From Beyond the Stars, Richard L. Tierney
1975Spawn of the North, George C. Diezel II and Gordon Linzner
Tellus Mater, David C. Smith
1975The White Squirrel, Robert M. Eber
Xiuhcoatl, Robert C. Culp
Demon Gods Walk Among Us, Crispin Burnham
1975Born of the Winds, Brian Lumleya
1975Scherzo in D-Flat, S.T. Joshi
1976Kimonusutomura Kitan, Katsuhiro Matsui
1976Harold’s Blues, Glen Singer
Baptism of Fire, Andrew Darlington
1976My Boat, Joanna Russ
1976The Vision, Crispin Burnham
1976The Scarlet Sigil, Leon Gammell
The Aquarium, Carl Jacobi
1976The Murderer from Harkness, Crispin Burnham
The Curse of Cthulhu, E.P. Berglund (round robin; part 2)
Necronomicon, Olaus Wormius
The Secret of the Spheres, Jim Shoffner
1976Dark Shapes Rising, Jim Shoffner
1976“Never Steal from a Whateley”, W.H. Pugmire
Old Letters, Phillip C. Heath
The Experience, William A. Conder
The Dark Tower, Robert Eber
1976From the Deep, Gregory E. Nicoll
The Unusual Case of Frederick Harrison, Gregory E. Nicoll
1976Manuscript Found on the Beach, Barry R. Hunter
Dead Giveaway, J. Vernon Shea
1976The Hammerhead Horror, Gregory E. Nicoll
The Night the Dolphin Went Down, Gregory E. Nicoll
1976From Ye Journal of William Davis Manly, William Davis Manly
1976Necrotic Knowledge, Cemetarius Nightcrawler
1976The Stairs in the Crypt, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
1976Dream-Visitant, William A. Conder
Weak Signal, William A. Conder
La Maison du Nord, Joel Ruimy (Part 1)
1976A Report on the Cave Expedition, Gregory Nicoll
1976Moon-Ghoul, Leon L. Gammell
1976The Fairground Horror, Brian Lumley
The Silence of Erika Zann, James Wade
All-Eye, Bob Van Laerhoven
The Tugging, Ramsey Campbell
Where Yidhra Walks, Walter C. DeBill Jr.
The Feaster from Afar, Joseph Payne Brennan
Zoth-Ommog, Lin Carter
Darkness, My Name Is, Eddy C. Bertin
The Terror from the Depths, Fritz Leiber
1976Tharquest and the Lamia Orbiquita, Brian Lumley
1976Shoggoth Incursion, Nikki White (part 1)
1976The Thief and the Demon, Leon L. Gammell
The Hand of Nodens, Leon L. Gammell
1976Moon Over the Xingu, George Diezel II
1977The Viking’s Stone, Brian Lumley
The Horror at Oakdeene, Brian Lumley
The Statement of Henry Worthy, Brian Lumley
1977The Guardians of the Gates, Brian Mooney
1977The Antique Hunters, James A. McKraken
1977Mother of Spiders, Eldon K. Everett
1977The Painter of Still-Lifes, K. Allen Daniels
Lovecraftianisms, E.P. Berglund
Photo Finish, James Wade
1977Door to the Garden, Robert E. Howard (fragment)
1977The Horror Out of Time, Leon L. Gammell
1977Genseric’s Fifth-Born Son, Robert E. Howard, Karl Edward Wagner, and Joseph Payne Brennan (round robin; Ch 1 – 3)
The Wrath of Tupan, Richard L. Tierney
The Temple of Nephrenka, Philip J. Rahman and J.A. McKraken
1977The Man Who Collected Lovecraft, Gregory Nicoll
Beneath the Vaults of Sumaris, Phillip C. Heath (part 1)
1977A Visit to the Old Farm, Crispin Burnham
Dead Thing in a Deserted Theater, Ted Rypel
1977The Snouted Thing, H.P. Lovecraft and J. Vernon Shea
1977The House of the Beast Within, Gregory E. Nicoll
1977Mylakhrion the Immortal, Brian Lumley
1977The Nooseneck Hill Horror, Michael Danagher
1977Beneath the Vaults of Sumarus, Philip C. Heath (part 2)
The Thing That Collected Bloch, Randall Larson
1977Shoggoth Incursion, Nikki White (part 2)
1977Discovery of the Ghooric Zone — March 15, 2337, Richard A. Lupoff
1977The Shadow Over Amoston, Crispin Burnham
[untitled], John Rieber
1977The Lurker Below, Gerry Conway, Mike Nasser, and Joe Rubenstein (comic)
1977The Whisperers, Richard A. Lupoff
1977The Feaster from the Stars, E.P. Berglund
The Thing in the Glen, W.H. Pugmire
1977Cryptically Yours …, Brian Lumley
1977The Horror in the Blue Glass Bottle, Ross F. Bagby
Translations from the Book of Yng, F.C. Adams
Candles Burning Blue, Llewellyn M. Cabos
The Temple in the Swamp, Stephen Cross
1977Shoggoth Incursion, Nikki White (part 3)
1977The Snout in the Alcove, Gary Myersa
1977Genseric’s Fifth-Born Son, Richard L. Tierney, Michael Moorcock, and Charles R. Saunders (round robin; Ch 4 – 6)
1977The Flawed Gem of Yliel, James W. Shoffner
Lurkers Beneath the Depths, Crispin Burnham
1977The Feast of Argatha, F.C. Adams
1977Along for the Ride, James William Hjort
1978Jerusalem’s Lot, Stephen King
1978Satan’s Mistress, Brian McNaughton
1978The Kiss of Bugg-Shash, Brian Lumley
1978The Frightened of Llytatoggua, Crispin Burnham (part 1)
1978Sword of the Seven Suns, E.P. Berglund
Dreams of the Dreamer, Joeseph Hammond (part 1)
… And the Sleepers Woke, A. Aspromatis
1978The Sun of God, Glen Rahman
1978The Clock of Dreams, Brian Lumley
1978The Frightened of Llytatoggua, Crispin Burnham (part 2)
1978Horror Under College Hill, Herbert Marshall
1978Ghor, Kin-Slayer, Andrew J. Offutt and Manly Wade Wellman (round robin; Ch 7 – 8)
1978Continent Beyond Time, Crispin Burnham
1978Spawn of the Winds, Brian Lumley
1978The Horror on the Beach, Alan Dean Foster
1978The Frightened of Llytatoggua, Crispin Burnham (part 3)
1978The Devil’s Hop Yard, Richard A. Lupoff
1978Ghor, Kin-Slayer, Darrell Schweitzer and A.E. van Vogt (round robin; Ch 9 – 10)
1978Strange Eons, Robert Bloch (extract)
1978The Black Chaos, Kenneth Huff
Dreams of the Dreamer, Joeseph Hammond (part 2)
The Awakening, Edward M. Kane
Beneath College Hill, Gerard E. Giannattasio
The Sorcerer’s Pipe, Franklyn Searight
Incident in Newark, Phyllis Rose
The Shadow Vampire, Leon L. Gammell
The Color from Beyond, Llewellyn M. Cabos
Haven, Ted Pons
1978The Curse of the Toad, Loay Hall and Terry Dale
Audition, W.H. Pugmire
The Spawn of Y’lagh, Randall Larson
The Doom That Came to Sarnath, H.P. Lovecraft (original version)
1978Strange Eons, Robert Bloch
1979Ghor, Kin-Slayer, Brian Lumley and Frank Belknap Long (round robin; Ch 11 – 12)
1979O Christmas Tree, Jessica Amanda Salmonson and W.H. Pugmire
1979The Revenge of the Manitou, Graham Masterton
1979The Light at Curry’s Point, Ernest Johnson
1979The Dome in the Garden, Loay Hall
1979In the Moons of Borea, Brian Lumley
1979Gunfight Against Nyarlathotep, Randall Larson (part 1)
Dreams of the Dreamer, Joeseph Hammond (part 3)
The Thing in the Abyss, Llewellyn M. Cabos
Headsman, Michael Fantina
A Correlation of Facts Relating to UFO’s, Phyllis Rose
1979The Freshman, Philip Jose Farmer
1979Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Kenneth Faig Jr. (part 1)
A Visitor from Providence, Bernadette Bosky
1979The Elder Gods, R. Norman (comic; part 1)
1979Excerpts from the Necronomicon, Philippe Druillet
The Alchemist’s Notebook, David Hurd and William Baetz
1979Sorcerer’s Dream, Brian Lumley
The Secret Member, J. Vernon Shea
1979Gunfight Against Nyarlathotep, Randall Larson (part 2)
Cleanthis Leonides (or Haggopian’s Third Wife), Phyllis Rose and Philip Panaggio
A Final Memoir, W.F. Waldrip
Dreams of the Dreamer, Joeseph Hammond (part 4)
1979The Exile, Galad Elflandsson
1980Crouch End, Stephen Kinga
The Star Pools, A.A. Attanasio
The Second Wish, Brian Lumleya
Dark Awakening, Frank Belknap Long
Shaft Number 247, Basil Coppera
Black Man With a Horn, T.E.D. Kleina
The Black Tome of Alsophocus, H.P. Lovecraft and Martin S. Warnes
Than Curse the Darkness, David Drake
The Faces at Pine Dunes, Ramsey Campbella
1980Satan’s Seductress, Brian McNaughton
1980The Black Wolf, Galad Elflandsson
1980Cthulhu’s Gold, James William Hjort
The Ebon Harp, James William Hjort
1980Eyurid, Tais Teng and Eddy C. Bertin
1980Visit to Innsmouth, Phyllis Rose
1980Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Kenneth Faig Jr. (part 2)
1980Before the Storm, Ramsey Campbell
1980The Elder Gods, R. Norman (comic; comic)
1980Collector’s Piece, Adrian Cole
1980Interlude at the Bridge, Franklyn Searight
1980Skull of Gur’la-ya, Jerry Baker
The Horror Below, Kenneth Huff
Forerunners of Doom, W. Paul Ganley
The Arctic Stone, Ross F. Bagby
Temple of the Demon, Crispin Burnham
The Tomb of the Black Ape, Leon L. Gammell
1980Countdown for Kalara, Richard L. Tierney
1980The Thing in the Pit, Lin Carter
1980A Gent. from Providence, Dave Reeder
1980The Shape in the Mist, David C. Kopaska-Merkel and Ronald R. McDowell
1980Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Kenneth Faig Jr. (part 3)
Short Cut, William Fulwiler
1980The House of the Temple, Brian Lumley
1980The Last Planet, Jason Magnus
1980The Cancer Thing, Phyllis Rose
The Recurring Doom, S.T. Joshi
1981Out of the Deep, E.M. Sutton (comic)
1981The Sand Castle, E.P. Berglund
The N Scale Horror, Gerard E. Giannattasio
The Pool of Xoctl, Gordon Linzner
The Eggs of Pawa, Richard L. Tierney
The Darkness Beneath, Shirley D. Sipe
The Conqueror, Wayne Hooks
The Myth of the Mythos, James Anderson
1981Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Kenneth Faig Jr. (part 4)
1981Among the pictures are these:, J. Ramsey Campbell
1981The Light from the Pole, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
Dreams in the House of Weir, Lin Carter
1981Something in the Moonlight, Lin Carter
The Descent Into the Abyss, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
1981Recognition, Brian Lumley
1981A Greater Pleasure, Richard Fawcett
Cae Coch, Dave Reeder
1981Haunt Ville, Michael Roden
Strange Fugitive, Dave Oreno
1981Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Ken Faig Jr. (part 5)
My Brain or My Body, Phyllis Rose
The Black Han-Dha, Phil Panaggio
[Untitled], David Oreno
1981The House of the Temple, Brian Lumley
The Summons of Nuguth-Yug, Gary Myers and Marc Laidlaw
The Winfield Heritance, Lin Carter
1981At the Portals of Pluto, Jason Magnus and Mark Graylock
1981The Reluctant Vampire, R.J. Connors
1981Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Ken Faig Jr. (part 6)
The Return, Michael H. Cline
1982The Adventure of the Ancient Gods, Ralph E. Vaughan
1982The Shadow in the Valley, Stephen Cross
The Madness Out of Space, “H.P. Lovecraft” (part 1)
1982The Basalt Temple, Peter Kells
1982Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Ken Faig Jr. (part 7)
The Cold, Crispin Burnham
1982Documents in the Case of Elizabeth Akeley, Richard A. Lupoff
1982Dr. Dexter, Llewellyn Cabos
1982The Last Run, James Piatt (part 1)
The Cursed Kingdom, Randall D. Larson
1982A Book of Verse, William Wallace
1982The Fabulous Sea Below, Jessica Amanda Salmonson
1982The Derleth Horror, Robert M. Price
1982The Voice of the Beach, Ramsey Campbell
1982How Jacquerel Learned to Let Sleeping Gods Lie, Janet Fox
1982P’nagla, Jerry Baker
The Feaster in the Tombs, Lewis Sanders and M.H. Cline
The Last Run, James Piatt (part 2)
Epitaph, Harry J. Pearson (part 1)
1982The Offering, Lin Carter
1982The Wells of Hell, Graham Masteron
1982Music of the Void, William H. Stout
1982The Stalker, David C. Kopaska-Merkel and Ronald R. McDowell
1982Yhagni’s Priest, James William Hjort
1982The Secret That Time Forgot!, Gerry Conway (comic)
1982The Vacation, David Oreno
The Guardian of the Tome, Lewis Sanders and M.H. Cline
Epitaph, Harry J. Pearson (part 2)
They Came from Below, Crispin Burnham
1983Tide of Desire, Sheena Clayton
1983Lord of the Worms, Brian Lumley
1983The Lord of Illusion, E. Hoffmann Price
1983The Madness Out of Space, “H.P. Lovecraft” (part 2)
Dark Swamp, James Anderson
The Horror in the Garden, Randall Larson and Loay Hall
1983The Hour of Demons, Llewellyn M. Cabos
Nightmare’s Promise, Robert Borski
1983A Heart Told Tale, Jos The Reynolds
1983The Vengeance of Yig, Lin Carter
1983The Tree on the Hill, Duane W. Rimel and H.P. Lovecraft
1983Tu-Tu the Toad Girl, D.T. St. Albans and David Pudelwitts
1983 – 1984Mirrors of the Soul, C.J. Henderson
1984The Song of Cthulhu, Lew Cthew
Morning Encounter, Darroll Pardoe
The Statement of One John Gibson, Brian Lumley
The Return of the Deep Ones, Brian Lumley (part 1)
The Thing Under Memphis, Lin Carter
The Priest of Mlok, Gary Myers
Family Trouble, Margaret Angley Pearson (unsigned)
The Return of the Deep Ones, Brian Lumley (part 2)
Concerning Them from Outside, Lin Carter
The Unbegotten Source, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
The Thing on the Couch, Akrabu
Book for Sale, Glenn Odden
Made in Hell, Rick Kennet
The Sorcerer’s Dream, Brian Lumley
Just Outside, Crispin Burnham and Gary A. Braunbeck (part 1)
The Seed of the Star-God, Richard L. Tierney
The Howler in the Dark, Richard L. Tierney
The Return of the Deep Ones, Brian Lumley (part 3)
Gateway to Forever, Frank Belknap Long
The Hampdon Horror, Duane Rimel
The Road to Dunwich, Ben Indick (revised version)
Sculpture, Lew Cthew
The Dwellers in the Earth, Bruce G. Hallenbeck
The Second Act, t. Winter-Damon
Children of Cthulhu, Armas Salminen
In an Inn in Innsmouth, Randall D. Larson
The Life of the Master (A Biography of Abdul Alhazred by His Student, El Rashi), translated by David T. St. Albans
The Mistress of Atlach-Nacha, Cagliostro’s Last Will and Testament, Rodolfo A. Ferraresi
The ‘Calling’, Stephen Studach
The Man Who Collected Lovecraft, Gregory Nicoll (revised version)
Saucers from Yaddith, Robert M. Price (revised version)
The Statement, Carl T. Ford
The Feaster from the Stars, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
1985Blacked Out, Ramsey Campbell
Maker of Illusion, Lew Cthew
Ule, Arthur William Lloyd Breach
The Tombs of Neb, Billy Wolfenbarger
The Dweller in the Attic, Bruce Hallenbeck, Jr.
Zzzzzzzz!, P. R. McBride
The Painting, Sam Gafford
Synaptic Emissions, R.J. Zimmerman
The Insolent Hubris of Chungar-Shan, Henry J. Vester III
Arc Tanget, Paul Bastienne
The Vault Beneath the Mosque, Lin Carter
The Gods of Drinen, Gary Myers
The Waiting Dark, Eddy C. Bertin
The Wedding of Sheila-Na-Gog, G. Arthur Rahman and Richard L. Tierney
Streams of Subconsciousness, Pierre Comtois
The Tomb of Neb, Gary Myers
Mnomquah, Lin Carter
Black Eons, Robert E. Howard and Robert M. Price
The Voice from the Well, Robert J. Curran (part 1)
The Throne of Achamoth, Richard L. Tierney and Robert M. Price
Spaghetti, Brian Lumley
School Prayer, Buzz Dixon (comic)
The Voice from the Well, Robert J. Curran (part 2)
Season of the Mermaid, Joe Doherty
Pilot of the Aether, Henry J. Vester III
Footsteps in the Sky, P.R. McBride
Madness In Haiti, Areth Bey and Lew Cthew
The Shortest Distance, R.J. Zimmerman
The Tooth, W.H. Pugmire
Metachronos, Paul Bastienne
Innsmouth Gold, Henry J. Vester III
Shadow of the Immortal, Charles L. Baker (part 1)
The Abominable Man, Gary Lovisi
The Lake of No Living Thing, Armas T. Salminen
The Shambler in the Shadows, Barry M. Radburn and Dave Reeder
The Coming of N’rath-Gol, Arthur William Lloyd Breach
The Canals of Delft, Jan Bee Landman
Aliah Warden, Roger Johnson
The Horror at Witches Hollow, Robert J. Curran (part 1)
The Acolyte of the Flame, Lin Carter
The Stone from Mnar, Lin Carter
Candlewax, W.H. Pugmire
1986The Weird Woman, Richard L. Hanson
The Kindly Elder, Peter Jeffery
The Last Rite, Brian Lumley
The Horror in the Boarding House, Robert Curran
The Horror at Witches Hollow, Robert J. Curran (part 2)
The Horror at Witches Hollow, Robert J. Curran (part 3)
An Incident at Diablo Grove, Alvin Lu
Reflections from R’lyeh, Chris Pelletiere (comic)
Sword of the Necromancer, Leon L. Gammell
Garray’s Landing, Armas Salminen
The Madness Out of Time, Lin Carter
Dagon Manor, Robert E. Howard and C.J. Henderson
Through Outrageous Angles, David C. Kopaska-Merkel and Ronald R. McDowell
The Malodorous M. Macabi, Ronald F. Marshall
A Darker Shade of White, Carl T. Ford
The Secret of the Stanley House, John A. Crow
Nighttime, Ralph E. Vaughan
Tales of Old Zid-Yargoth, Leon L. Gammell
The Tomb-Herd, Ramsey Campbell
Return to Arkham, Brian Lumley and Martin McKenna (comic)
Dreamer of Visions, Mark Mielke
A Dangerous Meeting, Mark Mielke
1987The Dreaming City, Roger Johnson
Custos Sanctorum, Roger Johnson
Ishtaol, Roger Johnson
The Anniversary, Oliver Lottmann
That Noble Dust, Henry J. Vester III
The Winds of Yith, W.H. Pugmire
The Eyes of Darkness, E.P. Berglund
The Deprogrammer, Robert M.Price
Inception, Brian Lumley
The Pool, Donald R. Burleson
Behind the Mask, Lin Carter
Curse of the Crocodile, Richard L. Tierney
What the Sea Gives Up, Pierre Comtois
The End, David Daniel
The Kraulshavn Fragment, Dr. Vincent Baber
The Kraulshavn Tablet: Facts and Speculations, Abraham R. Talmarsh, PhD.
Doubts on the Authenticity of “The Kraulshavn Fragment”, Robert M. Price
The Kraulshavn Fragment: The Corruptor Elsewhere in Eibon, Sean Ramsey
The Stature of “The Corruptor” in The Kraulshavn Fragment, Professor Robert Doyle Holt
Phonetics and Consonation in Proper Names in the Kraulshavn Fragment, Prof. Judson T. Weinemann
Mythopoeic Aspects of the Kraulshavn Fragment, Paul Bastienne
The Resurrection of Kzadool-Ra, Henry J. Vester III
Monster, R.J. Zimmerman
The Discovery, Marc Mielke
Deux Ex Machina, Robert M. Eber
Dreams of the Black Lotus, Lin Carter
You Can’t Take It With You, C.J. Henderson
Swamp Rising, W.H. Pugmire
New Moon, by William Relling, Jr.
Nightshade Crossing, Mark Rainey
Thy Cryptic Power, W.H. Pugmire
Wilbur Whateley Waiting, Robert M. Price
1987 – 1988The Crossword Puzzle, N. Mark Gordon (comic)
The Treasure of Horemkhu, Richard L. Tierney
1988Strange Manuscript Found in the Vermont Woods, Lin Carter
The Secret in the Parchment, Lin Carter
Dead of Night, Lin Carter
The Shadow from the Stars, Lin Carter
The Fishers from Outside, Lin Carter
The Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom, Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
The Sect of the Idiot, Thomas Ligotti
The Treasure of the Ancients, Gary Myers
Perchance to Dream, Lin Carter
Dust to Dust, W.H. Pugmire
Wine in Slimy Bottles, Bobby G. Warner
The Screaming Stones, Ralph E. Vaughan
The Feast, Gary J. Robinson
Moles, Lisa Lepovetsky
Headcase, Garrie Hall
The Life of Eibon According to Cyron of Varaad, Lin Carter
The Guardian of the Gate, James Grandillo
Pages from Pickman’s Notebook, Tony Patrick
The Pacific High, Grant Fjermedal
The Worm of Urakhu, Richard L. Tierney
Conclusion to “The Return of the Sorcerer”, Clark Ashton Smith (original version)
The Sphere Beyond Sound, Mark Rainey
Nighttime, Ralph Vaughan
Rapture in Black, Mark Rainey
Scrawler, Ann K. Schwader (part 1)
Slow Burn, C.K. Johnson
Scrawler, Ann K. Schwader (part 2)
Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Ken Faig Jr. (part 8)
1989Elysia, by Brian Lumley
Phoenix, R. David Ludwig
Heir of Darkness, Glenn Rahman
In the Airlock, Ann K. Schwader
Leapers, Robert A.W. Lowndes (2nd revised version)
Settler’s Wall, Robert A.W. Lowndes (2nd revised version)
A Monograph on Cthulhoid Manifestations in Australia by Norman Rouens, Penny Love
Apocryphal Passage from a Suppressed Scripture taken from the papers of the late Professor Geisel, Paleographer, Denise Passarelli and Sean Branney
The Black Crypt, Mark Williams
The Dreams of Yig, Pierre Comtois and Henry J. Vester III
The Oracle of Sadoqua, Ron Hilger
An Opener of the Gate, Margaret L. Carter
The Artifacts from Quivira, Ross F. Bagby
no room, Bill Hopkins
The Gibbering Walls, Eddy C. Bertin
Ule, Arthur William Lloyd Breach
The Adder, Fred Chappell
The Leering Surf, David Barker
Terminal, John Brower
Old Glass, Ann K. Schwader
What Happened to Eddie, A.E.B. Arkle
The Ring of the Hyades, John S. Glasby
Drawn from Life, John S. Glasby
The Old One, John S. Glasby
The Dwellers in Darkness, John S. Glasby
The Nightmare of Robert Edwin Holt, Arthur William Lloyd Breach
The Deprogrammer, Robert M. Price (revised version)
The Bell in the Tower, H.P. Lovecraft and Lin Carter
The Strange Doom of Enos Harker, Lin Carter
The Stairs in the Crypt, Lin Carter
[untitled] (Carcosa story about Hali), Lin Carter
1990The Wind Has Teeth, G. Warlock Vance and Scott H. Urban
The Necronomicon, Lin Carter
The Shattered Window, Margaret Frastley
Symphonia Maledictus, Mark Rainey
Oneric Moon, Simon MacCulloch
The Shadow Over Redforde, John S. Glasby
The Brooding City, John S. Glasby
The Dweller Beyond the Gate, John S. Glasby
A Shadow from the Aeons, John S. Glasby
The Kh’yrog Tablets, John S. Glasby
The Night Abbey, Peter Smith
The Return, Peter Smith
Many Are the Masks, Pierre Comtois (Part 1)
The Pronounced Effect, John Brunner
Many Are the Masks, Pierre Comtois (Part 2)
The Pillars of Melkarth, Richard L. Tierney
The Devourers, Bobby G. Warner
Worms, W. Paul Ganley
The Man Who Would Be King, G.W. Thomas
The Insider, J. Henry Johnson
Let Us Humans Die, Norman Rudnick
The Doom in the Room, J.E. Thomas
The Primal Urge, Leon L. Gammell
The Horror at Santa Alma, William Scheinman
Great Holes Secretly Are Digged, Katherine Ramsland
Will, Graham Masterton
Meryphylla, Brian McNaughton
H.P.L., Gahan Wilson
The Barrens, F. Paul Wilsona
1991Inside the Bud. D.F. Lewis
Excerpts from the Journals of Mikhail Aksakov, Blair Reynolds (part 1)
The Unthinkable, Bruce Sterling
From the Investigative Journals of Mikhail Aksakov, Blair Reynolds * (part 2)
From the Journals of Alexander Hale, Ph.D.: The Tablets of Destiny by C. Raymond Lewis
Tales of the Lovecraft Collectors, Ken Faig Jr. (part 9)
Pirate’s Alley, Nancy A. Collins, Tom Mandrake, and Kim Mulder (comic)
1992Rum, Necromancy, & the Lash, Nancy A. Collins, Tom Mandrake, and Kim Mulder (comic)
The Innsmouth Heritage, Brian Stableford
The Dreaming Detective, Ralph E. Vaughan
The Adventure of the Laughing Moonbeast, Ralph E. Vaughan
Decodings, Steve Rasnic Tem
Guardian Angels, Steve Rasnic Tem
Mists of Death # 2, Richard F. Searight (fragment)
The Night Abbey, Peter Smith (revised version)
The Things That Are Not There, Robert Morgan
Some Things Never Die, Robert Morgan (excerpt)
1993The Forbidden Zone, Whitley Strieber
Mysteries of the Word, Stanley Wiater
The House of the Toad, Richard L. Tierney
Cult of the Star-God, Lew Cthew
The Dreamers in Darkness, Peter Smith (revised version)
The Return, Peter Smith (revised version)
Half a Sixpence, D.F. Lewis
The Screech, Harrison Howe
In the Light of the Lamp, Steven Paulsen
The Eye of Hlu-Hlu, Donald R. Burleson
The Last Show at Verdi’s Supper Club, Stephen Mark Rainey
Cells, Jeffrey Thomas
Trouble in Budapest: From the Journals of Alexander Hale, Ph.D., C. Raymond Lewis
Tatters of the King, Lin Carter
The Space of Madness, Stephen Studach
1993 – 1994The Caller from Oklahoma, Allen Mackey
1994Platinum Hearts, Don Webb
The Artist’s Fate, Joseph P. Kervin
Watch the Whiskers Sprout, DF Lewis
The Return of the White Ship: The Quest for Cathuria, Arthur William Lloyd Breach
Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock, Robert M. Price
1968 RPI, Joe Murphy
Those of the Air, Darrell Schweitzer and Jason Van Hollander
Mr. Skin, Victor Milan
Just Say No, Gregory Nicoll
The Scourge, Charles M. Saplak
Of Dark Things and Midnight Places, David Niall Wilson
The Likeness, Dan Perez
An Early Frost, Scott David Aniolowski
Scene: A Room, Craig Anthony
The Seven Cities of Gold, Crispin Burnham
Shadows of Her Dreams, Cary G. Osborne
The Herald, Daniel M. Burrello
Typo, Michael D. Winkle
Star Bright, Star Byte, Marella Sands
The Drums of Chaos: An Excerpt, Richard L. Tierney
Deepnet, by David Langford
Serpent Eggs, by David Langford
The Stalker in the Snows, James Ambuehl
Prey of the Goat, M.L. Carter
Sabbath of the Black Goat, Stephen M. Rainey
The Curate of Temphill, Robert M. Price and Peter H. Cannon
Grossie, David Kaufman
To Clear the Earth, Will Murray
The Carcass, Allen Mackey
A New Beginning, Hadrian Hicks and Tani Jantsang
The Colors of Cthulhu’s Minions, Tani Jantsang
My Brains or My Body, Tani Jantsang
The Narrative of Nph’yth-Kla, Tani Jantsang
A Private Inquiry Into the Possible Whereabouts of Clara Boyd, P. Marsh, T. Jantsang, C. Ley, H. Hicks, J. Gerber, and Others
Necronomicon, W.H. Pugmire
The Recluse, David Barker
The Country of the Wind, Pierre Comtois
The Worm Shall Ye Fight, Philip Marsh
Louis’ Strange Talisman, Allen Mackey
Lovecraft in Heaven, Grant Morrison
Black Static, David Conway
The Courtyard, Alan Moore
Ward 23, D.M. Mitchell
The Blasphemous Enlightenment of Prof. Francis Wayland Thurston of Boston, Providence, and the Human Race, Thomas Ligotti
1995Résumé with Monsters, William Spencer Browning
Transactional Analysis, Don Webb
Martian Alchemy, Don Webb
Azathoth in Arkham, Peter Cannon
The Revenge of Azathoth, Peter Cannon
The Pit of the Shoggoths, Stephen M. Rainey
The Last Night of Earth, Gary Myers
The Daemon-Sultan, Donald R. Burleson
Idiot Savant, C.J. Henderson
The Nameless Tower, John Glasby
The Plague Jar, Allen Mackey
The Return of Yig, Frederick Stansfield
The Statement of Richard Daniel Upton, T. Jantsang, J. Gerber, and C. Ley
Heterodox Churches in Innsmouth, Philip Marsh
The Transition of Zadok Allen, Robert M. Price
Somebody Loves Him, Tani Jantsang
Ice John, Philip Marsh
The Horror That Came to Innsmouth, James Ambuehl
Who Shall Know the Gate?, Tani Jantsang
The Dark Hand of: God?, Wayne Hicks
Move Over Fat Face, Tani Jantsang
The Extra-Ordinary Case of Maggie Gordon, Philip Marsh and Tani Jantsang
The Song of Cthulhu, James Ambuehl
Dreams Upon the Shore of an Ancient Sea, Ralph E. Vaughan
Dream-Sendings, Edward P. Berglund
Down in Limbo, Robert M. Price
A Priestess of Nodens, A.A. Attanasio
Ghost Lake, Donald R. Burleson
Beauty, Fred Behrendt
Unseen, Penelope Love
Fortunes, Keith “Doc” Herber
Cross My Heart, Hope to Die, J. Todd Kingrea
I Dream of Wires, Scott David Aniolowski
The Turret, Richard A. Lupoff
The Second Effort, John Tynes
The Queen, Diane Summarco
The Awakening, Gary Sumpter
Random Access, Michael G. Szymanski
Free the Old Ones, C.J. Henderson
The Music of the Spheres, Kevin A. Ross
Growing Pains, Richard Watts
The Beard of Byatis, Robert M. Price
The Horror Under Warrendown, Ramsey Campbell
The Challenge from Below, Robert M. Price (round robin, part1)
Embrace of the Tendriled Sea, Emissary Orcen
The Face That Screams, Emissary Pugmire
The Tree-House, W.H. Pugmire and Robert M. Price
The Inner Gateway, E.P. Berglund
Father Figure, Alex Guillotte and Jeffrey Thomas
Interviews with Other Nations, Tani Jantsang
Beast of Love, Tracy Ambuehl and James Ambuehl
Zann’s Reprise, Peter H. Gilmore
1996Tender Hearts (A Prologue), G.W. Thomas
There Was an Old Lady …, G.W. Thomas
The People, G.W. Thomas
The Songs of Madness, G.W. Thomas
Epilogue, G.W. Thomas
Dope War of the Black Tong, Robert M. Price
The Thing from Lovers’ Lane, Nancy A. Collins
The Challenge from Below, Peter H. Cannon (round robin, part2)
Aklo Tablets, Tani Jantsang
Dawn of the New Aeon, Allen Mackey
The Horror in the Oval Office, M.J.P. Smith
Once Upon a Time, Casey Ley
From Darker Heavens, Stanley C. Sargent
The Soul of the Devil-Bought, Robert M. Price
The Challenge from Below, Donald R. Burleson (round robin, part3)
Patiently Waiting, C.J. Henderson
The Challenge from Below, Brian McNaughton (round robin, part4)
The Mantle of Graag, Frederik Pohl, Harry Dockweiller, and Robert A.W. Lowndes
Demons of Cthulhu, Robert Silverberg
Live Bait, Stanley C. Sargent
Mother of Serpents, Gary Myers
1997Third Shift, Kevin Carson
The Red Offering, Lin Carter
The Dweller in the Tomb, Lin Carter (revised version)
The Thing in the Pit, Lin Carter (revised version)
Out of the Ages, Lin Carter (revised version)
The Horror in the Gallery, Lin Carter (revised version)
The Winfield Heritance, Lin Carter (revised version)
The Fishers from Outside, Lin Carter (revised version)
The Strange Doom of Enos Harker, Lin Carter and Robert M. Price
Pazuzu’s Children, Jeffrey Thomas
The Alternate Manuscript, John Shire
I Married a Shoggoth, Jeffrey Thomas
Lovecraft’s Sentence, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
U666, Leon D. Wild
The Stone of Ubbo-Sathla, David Barker
Off-Season, J.J. Travis
Huitloxopetl, James Ambuehl, Ricardo Madeira, and Ian Davey (round robin, chapters 9-11)
Huitloxopetl, Laurence J. Cornford (round robin, chapter 12)
Whiteout, James Ambuehl and E.P. Berglund
Dark Providence, Don D’Ammassa
The Doom That Came to Dunwich, Richard A. Lupoff
Frank the Cnidarian, Benjamin Adams
Tuttle, James Robert Smith
The Shunpike, Robert M. Price
The Looking Glass, Peter A. Worthy, Ian Davey, E.P. Berglund, and James Ambuehl (round robin)
At Death’s Door, Dreaming, Ian Davey
To the Dancing Tree, Ian Davey and Peter A. Worthy
The Gospel According to Cthulhu, Sean Rodgers
The Transition of Abdul Alhazred, Robert M. Price
Between and Beyond, Ricardo Madeira
The Terror of Toad Lake, James Ambuehl
Sweet Despise, Peter A. Worthy
Black Letter Day, Ian Davey
Huitloxopetl, Peter A. Worthy and Peter F. Guenther (round robin, chapters 13-14)
The Crystal, E.P. Berglund
MIBs, Tim Waggoner
The Dig, Sean Rodgers
The Key of the Poet, Edward M. Kane
All Things Come …, Stanley C. Sargent
The Green Decay, Robert M. Price
The Doom of Enos Harker, Lin Carter and Laurence J. Cornford
The Horror from the Well, R.S. Cartwright
The Shadow Over Uxmal, Will Murray
The Box from the Attic, Jennifer McIlwee Myers
Servile, Jeffrey Thomas
Horror Show, Gary Myers
They Hear You If You Scream, Scott Dixon
The Serpent’s Spots, C.L. Werner
A Certain Kindness, James Robert Smith
Eibon Saith: The Apophthegmata of Eibon, Robert M. Price
Tentacles, Peter F. Guenther
The Last Laugh, Ron Shiflet
An Incarceration in Bh’Yhlun, Ian Davey
Foundling, Tim Waggoner
The Lords of Pain, Richard L. Tierney
I Walk the World’s Black Rim, Mike Minnis
A Brief Biography of Abdul Alhazred, Dr. Henry Armitage
The Serpents of Tenoka, Ron Shiflet
The Most Holy Pope, Henrik Johnsson
The Pain Eater, Benjamin Adams
Hall of Terror, Andy Boot
There Is a Pond, Franklyn Searight
Beneath the Black Obilisk, Stephen Sennitt
Understudy, Gary Myers
Snakedance, Benjamin Adams and Ron Dee
Baked Naked, Charles Garofalo
The Old Ones Whisper, Ann K. Schwader
The Third Eye, Jeffrey Thomas
Seafoam, Alan Peschke
The Sudden and Dramatic Disappearance of Henry Resnick, Jon Hansen
Shoofly, Tim Waggoner
The House in the Woods, R.S. Cartwright
Darker, Alan Peschke
When the Stars Are Ripe, Stanley C. Sargent
The Prodigal, Andy Nunez
End Times, Ricardo Madeira
1998The Deep-Lord Awakens, James Ambuehl
Correlated Contents, James Ambuehl (revised version)
Sesqua Bud, Chad Hensley
The Thing in the Glen, W.H. Pugmire (revised version)
Lament, Walter C. DeBill, Jr.
The Tale of Toad Loop, Stanley C. Sargent
The Story of Quinton Applewithe, Forrest Lancaster
The Becoming, Ron Shiflet
Not One the Same, J.B. Lee
Catch of the Day, Andy Nunez
The Snake-God of Shonhi, James Ambuehl
Small Ghost, Michael Minnis
The Epiphany of Dissolution, Ian Davey
Huitloxopetl, Luis G. Abbadié (round robin, chapter 15)
The Deepers of Maters, Stanley C. Sargent
Gnarly Punks, Chad Hensley
Godzilla vs. Cthulhu, C.L. Werner
The Snakefarm, James Ambuehl
The Audient Void, W.H. Pugmire
The Testament of Dr. Coker, Jody Trout
Cult Music, Martin Mundt
Closing of the Gate, Franklyn Searight
The Pane of Souls, Jody Trout
Black Sun, G.W. Thomas
The Blood Dimmed Tide, Kevin Eric Sheridan
The Return of Rhan-Tegoth, Laurence J. Cornford
Cold Waste, Ken Silver
Nefast, James Kracht
Genuine Article, J.B. Lee
The Dark Man’s Assassin, Ron Shiflet
The Exorcism of Iagsat, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
The Black Rite of Yaddith, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
The Drive, E.P. Berglund
The Night Music of Oakdeene, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
Strange Affliction, Delia Shiflet
Within the Machinery of Light, Alan Gullette (revised version)
Maastricht Chalk, Mike Minnis
Chasing Shadows, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
Carpenter’s Hammer, Adrian Kleinbergen
The Life and Death of Zebros Santiago, Peter Levi
The Missive Of Thaddeus, Sean Rodgers
Foundations, Forrest Lancaster
Night of Samhain, Carlos Orsi Marinho
The Hungry Man, Tim Waggoner
The Owls, Alan Peschke
Brood of the Blood God, Kevin Eric Sheridan
The Corporal’s Curse, Brian Nutter
Hear the Squidman Speak, Mike Minnis
Jewel of Many Colors, Kenneth Silver
A Mind is a Terrible Thing, Steve Maschuck and Fred Lubnow
The Black Rapture, Ron Shiflet
The Watery Horror, Peter F. Guenther
Of the Doom of Irem, Luis G. Abbadie
The Guard Command, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
Simply, the Sea, Michael Gillis
Stomach Pains, Franklyn Searight
The Shadow of the Sleeping God, James Ambuehl
The Return of Rhan-Tegoth, Laurence J. Cornford
The Diabolic Masterpiece of Robert Braque, C.L. Werner
The Cost of the Cure, Adam Niswander
The Advent of Uvhash, James Ambuehl
Lord of the Empty Houses, Charles Garofalo
The Mask, Gary Myers
Huitloxopetl, Gabriel Benitez and Laura Michel (round robin, chapter 16)
The Bargain with Yog-Sothoth, Robert Bee
After Summer, John Shire
Corpse Candles, Jeffrey Thomas
The Diary of Andrew Marsh, C.L. Werner
Interlude at the Bridge, Franklyn Searight
The Horrible Legacy of Jacob Rigny, Stephen M. Rainey
The Ring, C.L. Werner
The House of Haon-Dor, Clark Ashton Smith & Laurence J. Cornford
Warriors of the Worm, Todd H.C. Fischer
Terminus, Ian Davey
After Tomorrow, Peter A. Worthy
The Shadow of Obscenity, W.H. Pugmire
The Gate to M’gall’anah, Todd H.C. Fischer
1999No More Firmament, Peter A. Worthy
The Forgotten God, James Ambuehl
Allan and the Sundered Veil, Alan Moore (part 1)
The Curiosity, Michael Carter
Them, Risto Remes
Cthulhu War: Genesis, Michael Carter
The Statement of Jackson Palmer, Thomas V. Powers
Necromancer’s Legacy, Peter F. Guenther
The Project, Jeff Miller
The Isle of Chor-Tal, Ron Shiflet
Goddess, Kenneth Silver
The Vermont Horror, H.P. Lovecraft
The Easiest Case, Jason Kuhl
The Nightmare of the Spheres, R. Michael Burns
The Dungeon of Self, C.J. Henderson
An Intersection of Necromancies, Thomas B. deMayo
The Dream Leech, William Laughlin
A Meeting in Providence, Richard Gavin
The Darkest Star, W.H. Pugmire
Allan and the Sundered Veil, Alan Moore (part 2)
Allan and the Sundered Veil, Alan Moore (part 3)
Bethia, Tom Liberman
The Jungle’s Black God, Joseph A. McCullough V
Condemned, Adrian Kleinbergen
Island Paradise, J.R. Boos and Graeme Stevens
Photo Essay, Michael Minnis
With Eyes That See, J.B. Lee
Rosa’s Day, Brendan Carson
Mythos Variations, David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Mail Order Bride, Ann K. Schwader
Barrows and Stones, Glenn Rahman and Richard L. Tierney (prologue)
The Circle of Tsau Hsu, G.W. Thomas and Adrian Kleinbergen
A Song of Madness and of Death, Todd H.C. Fischer
The Black Box, Melanie E. Fischer
Allan and the Sundered Veil, Alan Moore (part 4)
Water Music for the Tillers of Soil, Tom Piccirilli
Priestess of Nycrama, John W. Patterson
Between the Pages, Trent Jamieson
The Stained Glass Window, Kenneth Silver
Ride the Wild Worm, Mike Carter
Inside the Idol, Jason Quinn
Death and a Drug Fiend, Forrest Lancaster
Unsympathetic Stewards, Doyle Netzly
Kadras, Peter Levi
2000The Prophecies at Newfane Asylum, Don Webb
Dreaming in Darkness, R.S. Cartwright
House of the Rising Sun: Innsmouth, USA, Ken Ichigawa
The Waite Inheritance, Peter F. Guenther
The Greystorm Children, Cullen Bunn
Pilate Blindfolded, Carlos Orsi Martinho
To Die Like a Roman, Brian Nutter
The Bag Hookers, James Kracht
Allan and the Sundered Veil, Alan Moore (part 5)
Tonight All the Sleeping Sentinels Will Be Born, Joe Pulver
Down the Line, J.J. Travis
The Bends, Peter A. Worthy
Memories, E.P. Berglund
The Crawling Pit, Tim Curran
Allan and the Sundered Veil, Alan Moore (part 6)
Shadows Bend, David Barbour and Richard Raleigh
Mythos, John Glasby
Necrotic Knowledge, Dirk W. Mosig

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